Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A+ Lab Simulator (LabSim) update

 Lab Sim for A+ provides hands-on experience for candidates intending to prepare for A+ certification. 

The software comes with several ready made labs. The important features of the LabSim are given below:

Lab Simulator Features:

  1. Include 100+ practice Lab exercises
  2. Lab manual with detailed steps for each lab exercise
  3. Detailed help files that provide step by step instructions on using the simulator have been provided.
  4. The demo version is limited to a fewer labs.

Several new features such as

  1. Ability to enable/disable navigation buttons
  2. Administrator login for lab profiles configuration
  3. Saving and reloading half completed labs
  4. Resetting individual and all labs to default
  5. Marking not attempted, not completed , completed labs in different color for easy identification.
  6. Bookmarking individual labs.
  7. Bookmarking all labs under selected section
  8. Take Backup/Restore of lab progress.

Some of the screenshots of Lab simulator

Lab Manual

Drag n Drop Type1

Drag n Drop Type2


Recently A+ Lab simulator is updated with adding few more labs on Windows 10 OS

1. Manage Location services in Windows 10
2. Manage app permissions for camera in Windows 10
3. Auto Lock using Screen Saver in Windows 10
4. Uninstall or remove apps and programs in Windows 10
5. To stop automatic updates in Windows 10

Several lab exercises are made available with the lab simulator. Complete list of labs is available with the Labs Manual of the downloaded software.

View sample lab exercises here : Available A+ Practice Lab exercises

You can download A+ Exam Simulator with Labsim from the following link


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